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Monday, 6 February 2012

BOOK REVIEW: The Shapeshifter-Dowsing The Dead(Ali Sparkes)

Book: Dowsing The Dead

Author: Ali Sparkes

Rating: 6.5/10

I was recently looking through my book reviews and realised I'd reviewed the 1st three of this series but no more.

So here it is, The Shapeshifter book 4 - Dowsing the Dead.

This book follows on from the third with the COLA's in a new safe place, but following Gideons Sister's plan in the second book which almost eliminated them there are only 10 left. The rest had their power stolen by Catherine and only just escaped with their lives,If not their power,
Then when Gideons brother Luke sacrificed himself to save them he and Catherine were both lost to the waves and storm that claimed the COLAs home. Then in the third book they are being hunted by Catherine's spirit which tries to kill them.

And that basically brings you to this book.

In their new safe place the COLA's are no longer able to use their power outside for safety reasons.
This is no problem for most of them, except Dax, who as a shapeshifter is used to spending his time as a fox or falcon. being confined is slowly killing him. He has a stroke, and no one can work out what's wrong with their only shapeshifter, not even the healers can cure him. he is drifting in and out of consciousness and the situation is grim.

Meanwhile Lisa has her own problems. She is a physic and a medium and is trawling the land of the dead in vain trying to find the spirits of Catherine and Luke and therefore put everyone's mind at ease.

But they are not to be found there, for they are alive, although Luke is practically dead, see Catherine needs Luke's power to keep her own and keeps draining him to the point of death,

The only good news at this point is they find out how to possibly cure Dax,

To help Lisa dowse Gideon,Dax and their friend Mia a healer all join in.

And they make contact with Luke,

He is in a windmill in a French speaking country almost dead.

But when Lisa sends the government and Gideon to the wrong place it's down to Dax to fly to Luke's aid.

But he must watch his back of he'll be up and over, as he flies to the land of the pompoms according to the cryptic puzzles of a wolf spirit who occasionally appears to offer advice,

But will Dax succeed in his mission, and what will happen when the wolfs meaning comes to him to little to late?

It's no longer just Luke in danger now Dax is fighting for his life to!!!

This book is good,don't get me wrong with only giving it 6.5 . But considering how adventure-filled and gripping the first 3 were I suppose I had very high expectations for this one.  It's a good book just not as good as  the first 3 by comparison. I'm still going to read the 5th one and I hope you guys will definitely give the series a try.
Don't forget to find my reviews for the first books on here as well.
And to order them via my website if possible .
Hope you found this review helpful,
The Devonian Book Reviewer


