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Monday, 1 August 2011

BOOK REVIEW: The Shapeshifter-Going to Ground (Ali Sparkes)

Book: The Shapeshifter- Going To Ground

Author: Ali Sparkes

Rating: 8.5/10

The third in the shapeshifter series by Ali Sparkes

Dax and His fellow colas are at home under supervision as their new school  is being built after the last was destroyed by the Gideon's sister Catherine in her attempt to kill the Colas and steal their powers.

Dax is less than happy being under survellience but is fine playing by the rules apart from a few shifts into foxes and falcons when bored.

But when his phsyic friend Lisa get in touch and tells him she's sensing bad things about his other 2 best friends Mia and Gideon Dax must break the rules find them all and evade the might of  the british goverment.

Something is taking out electricity pylons and framing Gideon.. Afraid they'll look him away they escape to exmoor to the Bolthole Caroline Fisher gave Dax. It's only a matter of time before they are discovered and will the spirits warnings come true. This is a even better book in a great series.

I thoughly enjoyed this book and the series as a good light read that's not to complicated yet still interesting.
I would recommended mainly for younger people but I think most people could enjoy it.
This book is my favourite of the series despite it being a series of 5.

Hope you found this review helpful,

The Devonian Book Reviewer

Uk and Europe:




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