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Friday, 15 July 2011

BOOK REVIEW: The Shapeshifter-Running the Risk (Ali Sparkes)

Book:  Running the Risk- The Shapeshifter

Author: Ali Sparkes

Rating: 7/10

The second in the shapeshifter series by Ali Sparkes.

Dax is fully settled into life with the Cola Club at Terregen collage. In many respects it's just like being in a normal schoool, Apart from the fact that the kids in the Cola club have supernatural powers.

But Dax is fully comfortable with his double life, he's a shapeshifter and is constantly switching between boy and Fox with ease.

Then it all falls apart.

Holidaying with friends Dax finds himself helpless as he is chased through the woods by a fox hunt and is trapped in a hole wiating to die. Owen digs him out just in time and he is safe. But his mind is playing tricks on his and he keeps having panic attacks.

Then they arrive back to the collage after a holiday to find Gideon's,a telekinetic whose Dax's best friend, long lost brother Luke there. He has no powers but Gideon is spending all his time with him and Dax can't help but feel a little jeolous. But when Gideons long lost sister Cathrine  shows up aswell it's all getting a bit to much.

Suddenly everyone else is drowsy all the time and Dax is getting worried. No one will believe him and he thinks the goverment is testing them.

But the truth is all the more sinister is happening and to uncover the truth Dax will have to use all his natural instinct ot keep them alive.

Filled with suspision and panic Dax must take to the wing and find the truth or everyone will die.

Something is incoming, and the fate of the cola's rest in Dax Jones's paws.

A huge improvement on the first. Not too complicated but enough to keep you interested. Easy to read and so far this series is looking good. I would definately recommend for young teeneagers especially but a defineately good read for anyone.

Hope you found this review helpful,
The Devonian Book Reviewer.




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